Dear friends and family,
We are two months into 2024, and Decolonising Politics is already happening. Communities across the world are acting to secure their collective rights to decolonisation and dignified lives.
The question is: which side are you on?
Find below ways to get involved, updates and information about a delegation to the Alliance of Sahel States:

Get involved: Decolonising Politics
This is the moment to make every action count in Decolonising Politics. In 2024, 40% of the world’s population will vote in elections. In the UK, although 62% of the UK public desire radical change in politics, only 6% believe their views can influence government decisions.This state of disrepair is the colonisation of politics. We need to take power back, learning from communities of resistance who are securing Planet Repairs.There are many ways to be of service, with roles for every skill and time availability. From making art 🎨, to having flyers and stickers at your community center 📚, amplifying content with your networks 📣 and even translating 💬- we're looking for you!
Update: Planet Repairs Internationalist Observatory (PRIO)

Lourdes Huanca Atencio is an Aymara Indigenous community leader and president of the FENMUCARINAP, Peru’s largest women’s union with over 120,000 members. Even as she faces threats against her life, Lourdes has returned to Peru.
Through the Planet Repairs Internationalist Observatory (PRIO) Communities of resistance across the world are observing that Lourdes' basic human rights are not violated as she travels.
Lourdes is returning to the base and collecting the demands for a new Plurinational Popular Constitution with Gender Parity amongst the masses of women across Peru.
Update: Ghanaian Visitors Internationalist Study-Exchange

"The massive problems we are currently seeing are global, but with a democracy captured by the financial interest of the ruling classes, our solutions must be local - we must regrow our power at the grassroots. The question then, is how can we make our local actions have the wide impact they must have to support transformative change?
The answer: working with other grassroots organisers around the world, and building internationalist movements for repair of our planet and peoples, from the bottom up."
Read the report on Stroud and Bristol Welcoming Ghanaian Visitors as part of Internationalist Study-Exchange.

Upcoming: Praler Study-Visit to the Alliance of Sahel States
On March 9th, the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Internationalist Standing Conference (PARISC) will lead a delegation to the Alliance of Sahel States. Afrikan peoples across the alliance are securing national self-determination, Pan-Afrikan sovereignty and a multipolar world of global justice.
This is part of grassroots Planet Repairs efforts to build and secure internationalist solidarity with communities fighting for reparatory justice and asserting their right to self-determination.
The delegation travels under the banner of Co-Liberation for Planet Repairs, focusing on the importance of colonised Afrikan people resurging against neocolonialism.
The PRALER study visit will also highlight the global importance of wins secured by communities of the Sahel in their anti-imperialist battles. These gains are making huge contributions to the much broader International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations, in link with the Peoples Reparations International Movement. Email PARISC for more information:
Follow below for on-the-ground updates!
Upcoming: Peace Lotus Day of Anti-War Resistance
Across PRALER we are preparing for Peace Lotus Day, one of our three network-wide days of power. Peace Lotus Day, on 30th April, is a commemoration of the 1975 victory of Vietnamese self-determination against US imperialism.
Peace Lotus Day celebrates just peace, and the power of internationalist anti-war resistance. In 2024, this message is needed more than ever. The UK elites' War on Life has been active for centuries, and this year it is reaching new heights of cruelty with the complicity in the Palestinian peoples' genocide. Politicians, their billionaire friends and the media the own are war-mongering. But the majority of communities alive right now know we are at war: the UK Establishment and Imperial powers are at war against all peoples, all cultures, and Mother Earth.
We are not the pre-war generation.
We are the generation resisting the War on Life.
What next?
Our plans for 2024 are ambitious, but they are possible. To embody this educational revolution, we need your support.
Are you ready?
Blessings and strength to all as we continue to work for just peace, educational revolution and liberation.
Thank you for keeping in touch,
PRALER Coordination Team